Budapest 15 Day Travel Pass

I was recently to Hungary and generally found that their inflation was taking a big bite out of my budget. Fortunately their wonderful transport system still had good value to offer. The best deal I found was the 15 day pass which is good for unlimited trips on all trams, subways and buses within Budapest. […]
Bus Service in Penang, Malaysia

Here is a service i have happily used in Penang countless times over the past years, The buses are air-conditioned, seats are comfy enough and the price is outstanding value. Usually my ride would be into the city center from the suburb but I have ridden as far as the airport, though you would […]
International Flight Penang to Singapore

The cost of travel is undeniably on the rise but there are still sweet deals out there if you know how and where to search. Take for example the latest international flight I booked from Penang, Malaysia to Singapore. The cost for a one-way flight with no extras came out to the low cost of […]
Traveling from Canada to Asia with Class, Business Class that is

September in Saskatchewan is a time of change. The crops are being harvested, trees are shifting to autumn splendor, and the morning air starts to get crisp. One sign I watch for closely is the geese flocking together on their way south. That is my signal, time to get my butt back to the tropics. […]
Travel in the Time of Covid

This is my first blog in ages as I mainly write about my travels and sadly there has been very little lately. I will bring you up to date on my lockdown time, travel back to Canada including quarantine, and the prospects of taking my show on the road again. Malaysia During Lockdown I was […]
Southern Laos Part 1 – Around Champasak

I have been traveling to Laos often over the past decade and have longed to visit the South for it’s many attractions such as the UNESCO heritage site Wat Phou, the Bolaven Plateau with it’s abundance of stunning waterfalls and superb coffee plantations and the 4000 Islands area of the Mekong River. I finally made […]
Portugal 2018
This year on my way back to Asia from Canada, I decided to take the scenic route and stopover in Europe. It felt like it has been ages since I explored a new country, so this was a great opportunity. There are many countries to choose from and though I knew little about it, I […]
Making the Most of a 24 Hour Layover in Tokyo
My most recent travel adventure was one fine day in Tokyo. Japan has been high on my wish list for some time now. Why only one day? Well, one efficiency I have learned in my long term travels is that when I am booking my annual Canada visit, I keep my eyes peeled for any interesting […]
The Lost Chronicles
Traveling and living in foreign lands is a great life and I love it . Sometimes however things go amiss, for me especially on travel days. Hey, it can’t be rainbows and unicorns all of the time, otherwise we don’t fully appreciate the good times. Passport I found myself with a few minutes to spare […]
Top Tips For Using ATMs in Southeast Asia
Update 2020 I learned another valuable ATM lesson I feel compelled to share. After the Bali incident in the update below, I was down to one and only one bank card which was really my lifeline. Unfortunately it really started acting up, not working at all for a week or more. I called my bank […]