Explore the World

This blog is for everyone who loves  a healthy, travel lifestyle

Dark Beerlao

This was an easy choice as Beerlao is delicious and still super affordable and it is the festive season after all. I would say from all my travels in Southeast Asia it is probably the best beer or perhaps tied with Vietnam. The Dark beer is my favourite from the extensive Beerlao lineup with the Gold being a close second.  The regular Beerlao is also quite decent and boy is it affordable.  I am sure my many beer-loving friends are dying to know how affordable so let’s cut to the chase.  The Dark Beerlao was 12,000 kip ($0.94 CAD) while the big can (640 ml) of regular Beerlao was the same price. This is about the average price but you can find it even cheaper in supermarkets, like 10,000 kip ($.0.79 CAD).

Location: Everywhere in Laos

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Brad the Nomad

Your guide to the good life

I love to live a healthy lifestyle, learn new things and travel extensively without spending a fortune.

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