Some years ago, Thailand banned commercial logging. While this likely has saved a lot of forest, it put many domesticated elephants out of work. As tourism is a huge industry in Thailand, this was a natural avenue to put the elephants to use. Sometimes, like having elephants beg in downtown Bangkok, this is not pretty at all. On the more humane side, many elephant parks have sprung up around Chiang Mai. My nephew chose the Elephant Nature Park for our tour and a wise choice it was. The park is the vision of Sangduen ‘Lek” Chailert, a hill tribe woman who has been crusading for Asian elephants for many years. The park is located in a scenic river valley and has over 30 rescued elephants roaming freely, ranging in age from calves to grand old matriarchs over 80 years old. The fun-filled day’s activities include helping feed the elephants, human feeding (there is a yummy buffet), bathing the elephants in the river and just walking amongst and observing these beautiful creatures. A good time was had by all.

Air Asia Seat Upgrade
Before takeoff on my short flight from Penang. Malaysia to Medan, Indonesia, a flight attendant announced that