Explore the World

This blog is for everyone who loves  a healthy, travel lifestyle

Air Asia Seat Upgrade

Before takeoff on my short flight from Penang. Malaysia to Medan, Indonesia,  a flight attendant announced that for a small fee, an upgrade to the red seats was possible. The red seats are the first 5 rows in the front, as well as the 2 exit rows,    My seat wasn’t too bad, 9E but it was a middle seat with both window and aisle occupied.  The flight had a delay to remove some luggage, so for fun, I inquired about the upgrade.  I could move up to a seat in Rows 2-5 for only 19 RM ($6.12 CAD).   At that price, I couldn’t resist and moved up to row 2, which I had to myself.    The seat didn’t seem to have any more leg room but I was really happy to have the row to myself, especially with the flight delayed close to an hour.  It also allowed  me to get to immigration quick and beat any rush from our flight.   Definitely a worthwhile deal.

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Brad the Nomad

Your guide to the good life

I love to live a healthy lifestyle, learn new things and travel extensively without spending a fortune.

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I am in Malaysia, forever summer.

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