I pushed the bike along the road and now realized just how hot it was out. It was high noon now and the tropical sun was blazing down on Southern Thailand. The first place I came to looked like they might do mechanical repair but they waved me on down the road, sounded like only a couple hundred meters more. I pushed onward a few hundred meters more and there I was told the bike shop is just ahead. Sweating profusely, I go through this cycle one more time and this time the people point to a shop I can actually see and it looks promising. A young guy came riding towards me on a bicycle and he guided me right to the shop, his shop. It must have been my lucky day because this guy formerly worked in a tourist hotel and probably spoke the best English for miles around. He said the bike needed a new chain as well as front and rear sprockets. Sounds expensive! I got him to look at the rear brakes which basically crumbled into a pile of rubble when he opened up the housing. I called for some translation help to make sure we were on the same page and agreed to replace only the rear sprocket, brakes and fix the existing chain. He set to work and in about 20 minutes was done. He took it for a test drive and tweaked the brakes a bit more and I was ready to roll again. Total bill was 220 baht, about $7 dollars. Gosh I love this country!!

Air Asia Seat Upgrade
Before takeoff on my short flight from Penang. Malaysia to Medan, Indonesia, a flight attendant announced that